For the first time, the National Asian American Theater Conference and the National Asian American Theater Festival will be held jointly in Los Angeles from June 16-26, 2011. The event will be presented by the Consortium of Asian American Theaters and Artists (CAATA) and hosted by Asian American Theaters East West Players and TeAda Productions, both residing in Los Angeles.
All Conference Events will take place at the following venues:
East West Players David Henry Hwang Theater
120 Judge John Aiso Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Japanese American Cultural and Community Center
244 South San Pedro St.
Los Angeles CA, 90012.
Festival Performances will take place at the follow two venues:
Inner-City Arts Rosenthal Theater
720 Kohler Street
LA, CA 90021
National Center for the Preservation of Democracy (Tateuchi Democracy Forum),
across from the Japanese American National Museum
111 N. Central Avenue
LA, CA 90012.
A details schedule and event descriptions can be found at: