The new incarnation of the theatre company that brought you Drunk Macbeth, A Comedy of Errors in Berczy Park, co-produced Headstrong Collective's Romeo and (her) Juliet, and other site-specific classical theatre experiences since 2009.
We remain dedicated to bringing you site-specific performances in non-traditional spaces, as part of our efforts to make classical theatre more accessible to the citizens of and visitors to our city. Our outdoor performances will remain pay-what-you-can in an effort to ensure economical accessibility, and we'll continue to favour venues that are physically accessible to all patrons.
Non-traditional casting has always been an important part of our productions, and is also key to our efforts to creating classical theatre that is more relatable to a broader audience. We will be focusing on these efforts moving forward to broaden the opportunities for talented actors to explore timeless characters in new ways. It ensures even more members of our vibrant city's community can find relatable portrayals of well-known stories, staged in interesting and exciting ways.
Join us for classical theatre where you least expect it!