The Drama League's DirectorFest is a multi-week, city-wide festival focusing on the art of contemporary stage directing. The festival includes five fully-staged new productions, the American premiere of an immersive Bulgarian show, a concert of a new musical-in-progress, discussion panels, workshops, and conversations with Americas most notable directors.
DirectorFest is the only festival in the United States exploring the art of contemporary stage directing. The fellows featured in DirectorFest join the ranks of the illustrious 350+ alumni of The Drama League Directors Project, including Tony® Award winners Rachel Chavkin (Hadestown), Christopher Ashley (Come From Away), Diane Paulus (Jagged Little Pill), Sam Gold (Fun Home), Rebecca Taichman (Indecent), Michael Mayer (Burn This), Pam MacKinnon (The Parisian Woman), John Rando (On The Town), Tony Award nominees Alex Timbers (Moulin Rouge!), Moritz von Steulpnagel (Bernhardt/Hamlet), Mark Brokaw (Heisenberg), as well as Lila Neugebauer (The Waverly Gallery), Anne Kauffman (Marvins Room), Arin Arbus (Frankie and Johnnie in the Clair de Lune), to name only a few.