The Light Center (United Research, Inc.) is a 501(c)3 organization that provides a non-denominational supportive environment for encouraging personal and planetary transformation through prayer. We are dedicated to helping all people expand awareness of their inner Light and to pray more effectively.
The Light Center is a two-story geodesic dome set like a jewel on 160 acres of woods, streams (Broad River) and meadows in the majestic mountains of Western North Carolina (between Black Mountain and Chimney Rock). Behind the dome there is a classical seven circuit labyrinth configured in seven concentric circles to symbolize the Seven Steps to Effective Prayer, seven chakras and sacred geometry. Prayer/meditation trails lead to Grandfather Rock, Pagoda Rock, Inspiration Rock, Meditation Rock and The Pond. In the light chamber, from 10am-4:30pm every day, guests experience 35/40-minute sessions of high-intensity LED lights sequencing through the colors of the chakras to help bring balance to the energy centers of mind, body and spirit. And upstairs, the prayer dome's sacred peace and stillness is always open (24-hours) to all.
The prayer/meditation trails, labyrinth, prayer dome and light room are free, as are ongoing gatherings of group meditation and prayer practice. We also host events at the dome and retreats at the lodge that are in line with our mission of increasing the awareness of the Oneness of All there Is by expanding Light, Peace and unconditional Love.
The Light Center is located 8.5 miles (beautiful 20-minute drive) south of Interstate 40 exit #64 at 2190 NC Hwy 9, Black Mountain, NC. Dome: 828-669-6845. Lodge: 828-669-0474. To learn more, visit