2016 Heathers world was rocked by a breast cancer diagnosis. It has been and continues to be a heartbreaking and comedic journey of growth filled with love, friendships, disappointments, betrayals. This show spoken and performed from the heart tells the gritty, funny, heartbreaking,& uplifting journey of a young woman conquering cancer while living life as normal as possible.
It takes you into the mind of a cancer patient from diagnosis to treatment. What a patient goes through from doctor meetings, testing, treatments, and peoples reactions around them. It shows the strength and support that develops with some friends and family while others shy away or leave altogether.
The script is crafted from Heathers hand written journals, Caringbridge account, Youtube Channel: Keep Abreast With Heather, text messages, emails, Storytelling shows, and computer journal.
Heather tells this inspiring story with comedic charm and tear jerking dignity.