The Kansas City ONE-MINUTE Play F...
January 30, 2016 8:00 PM - February 01, 2016 8:00 PM |
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The 12 Plays of Christmas at the...
December 04, 2015 8:00 PM - December 21, 2015 8:00 PM |
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Rock Out With Your Crock Out!
November 22, 2015 4:00 PM |
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Long Form Improv with Jake Walker
November 09, 2015 7:00 PM |
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Soo Jin Pretty Nail (and More!)
October 25, 2015 7:00 PM |
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October 01, 2015 7:00 PM - October 03, 2015 11:30 PM |
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BOND: the story of a soldier and...
September 18, 2015 8:00 PM - September 27, 2015 2:00 PM |
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LOVE ME TINDER at the Fishtank
September 03, 2015 8:00 PM - September 05, 2015 8:00 PM |
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Neighborhood 3: Requisition of Do...
May 21, 2015 8:30 PM - June 06, 2015 8:30 PM |
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Go Fish Featuring: The Adventures...
April 04, 2015 11:00 AM - April 04, 2015 1:00 PM |
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Self-Ease at the Fishtank
February 25, 2015 8:00 PM - March 06, 2015 9:00 PM |
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February 19, 2015 7:30 PM - February 22, 2015 2:00 PM |
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The 12 Plays of Christmas at the...
December 12, 2014 8:00 PM - December 20, 2014 8:00 PM |
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Eleemosynary by Lee Blessing at t...
November 01, 2014 8:00 PM - November 22, 2014 8:00 PM |
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Death By Shakespeare at the Fisht...
October 02, 2014 8:00 PM - October 12, 2014 2:00 PM |
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NO EXIT in the windows of the Fis...
August 26, 2014 8:30 PM - August 30, 2014 8:30 PM |
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KLARA ANDERSSON (in concert) - a...
June 07, 2014 8:00 PM - June 13, 2014 8:00 PM |
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SUMMER SHORTS at the Fishtank
June 01, 2014 7:00 PM - July 06, 2014 7:00 PM |
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First Lady? by De De DeVille
May 02, 2014 8:00 PM - May 25, 2014 5:00 PM |
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April 11, 2014 7:00 PM - April 13, 2014 7:00 PM |
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Beckett Short Plays
February 20, 2014 8:00 PM - February 23, 2014 2:00 PM |
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January 31, 2014 8:00 PM - February 02, 2014 2:00 PM |
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THE SHORTS SERIES at the Fishtank
January 12, 2014 7:00 PM - April 06, 2014 7:00 PM |
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"Flowers in the Wardrobe" by Kevi...
December 13, 2013 7:30 PM |
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The 12 Plays of Christmas at the...
December 06, 2013 8:00 PM - December 15, 2013 8:00 PM |
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"Getting Luckier" at the Fishtank...
November 18, 2013 8:00 PM |
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Dear Diary: Causual Encounters
November 16, 2013 7:00 PM - November 17, 2013 7:00 PM |
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The Vaudevilles of Chekhov
October 31, 2013 8:00 PM - November 03, 2013 2:00 PM |
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Gruesome Playground Injuries by R...
September 28, 2013 8:00 PM - October 13, 2013 2:00 PM |
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Fall Shorts at the Fishtank
September 08, 2013 7:00 PM - October 13, 2013 7:00 PM |
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An Adult Evening of Shel Silverst...
August 01, 2013 8:30 PM - August 04, 2013 8:30 PM |
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Mask Of The Broken Heart
June 13, 2013 8:00 PM - June 15, 2013 8:00 PM |
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Drunken Shorts: Summer Shorts at...
June 09, 2013 7:00 PM - July 14, 2013 7:00 PM |
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inTENsity 2.0
April 26, 2013 7:30 PM - May 03, 2013 7:30 PM |
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Elegy For A Lady - Birdies Perfor...
April 14, 2013 7:30 PM - April 22, 2013 7:30 PM |
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Elegy For A Lady - American Preview
March 22, 2013 7:30 PM - March 25, 2013 7:30 PM |
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Go FISH! Saturdays for Kids at th...
March 16, 2013 12:00 PM - April 13, 2013 2:00 PM |
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Go FISH! Saturdays for Kids at th...
March 09, 2013 2:00 PM |
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February 21, 2013 7:30 PM - February 24, 2013 2:30 PM |
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Being Alive: A Musical Conversati...
February 14, 2013 8:30 PM - February 17, 2013 4:00 PM |
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The Nightcap with Arty Vulgaris!
January 11, 2013 10:00 PM |
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44 Plays For 44 Presidents at the...
November 01, 2012 7:30 PM - November 05, 2012 7:30 PM |
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Voyeur: An Urban Rhapsody
October 05, 2012 9:00 PM |
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September 21, 2012 8:00 PM - September 22, 2012 11:00 PM |
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Lessons From Marlene Written & Pe...
August 03, 2012 8:00 PM - August 04, 2012 8:00 PM |
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Show On The Road by Hailey Jones...
June 16, 2012 8:00 PM - June 18, 2012 8:00 PM |
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The Woman: A Stunning Tribute by...
June 01, 2012 8:00 PM - June 04, 2012 8:00 PM |
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Dandelion Chains by Shanna Shrum
May 18, 2012 8:00 PM - May 19, 2012 8:00 PM |
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INTENSITY: 10 Bite Sized Plays By...
May 04, 2012 8:00 PM |
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Jolly Rancher by David Wayne Reed
April 06, 2012 8:00 PM - April 22, 2012 7:00 PM |
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Romantic Fools
February 02, 2012 8:30 PM - February 19, 2012 7:00 PM |
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The Nightcap with Arty Vulgaris a...
January 13, 2012 10:00 PM - December 14, 2012 10:00 PM |
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Brindsay Kardilton's BUMP
November 04, 2011 8:00 PM - November 14, 2011 8:00 PM |
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September First Friday at the Fis...
September 02, 2011 8:00 PM |
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BLANK by Brian Stanton
June 23, 2011 8:30 PM - July 10, 2011 3:00 PM |
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