Confluence Roller Derby exists to provide women in St. Louis and the Metro East unique opportunities to play flat track roller derby within a welcoming community that both supports skaters in their development and as well as challenges them to realize their potential as athletes.
The league offers competitive team opportunities for skaters who desire greater athletic advancement, and who seek to win, rank, title, or achieve against opponents on a regional or national level. The league also provides recreational team opportunities for new and alumnae skaters to learn and play flat track roller derby in a safe, fun and social environment without the level of commitment or skill required of derby athletes at a regionally or nationally competitive level.
Confluence Roller Derby was in founded in 2011 on feminist ideals, a DIY attitude, and a desire to grow the derby community. The league is owned and operated by the skaters, for the skaters,and the time, talents, knowledge, and contributions of all league members are valued and respected.