The Brown Paper Tickets website is currently undergoing routine maintenance. You may temporarily experience limited access to some features during this time. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to improve our website experience.
Register here to Do Nothing Together for 20 minutes starting at 12:30pm on Thursdays. We will Do Nothing Together by calling into a virtual meeting and not muting our phones. I will introduce the process at 12:30pm sharp and then we'll begin Doing Nothing Together at exactly 12:40. No one will be admitted to the event after 12:39. The event will end at exactly 1pm.
Timezone: America/New_York
Online Access Information
You will be provided instructions to access the digital content for this event. When and how these instructions are delivered to you is determined by the Event Organizer. To ensure access, use an up-to-date email address and avoid unsubscribing from email updates. See our Help Center for more information.