Las Vegas Comedy Show
Unlike "OTHER" comedy shows in Vegas, the LAS VEGAS COMEDY SHOW features comedic veteran Joe Lowers as he brings his unique style of comedy to the stage. Joe has been entertaining audiences for over fifteen years, and his ability to involve the audience has made him a one-of-a-kind comedian. Now in the newly remodeled showroom with its two large video screens, hes able to add video to his show. Joe not only involves the audience, he involves the other comics working with him, plus the sound guy too! Its a comedy show like youve never seen. No knock knock jokes here, just incredible observations and 75-90 minutes worth of non-stop adult entertainment.
If you want to see a regular comedy show, go down the street. If you are ready to LOL till it hurts and be amazed that comedy doesn't have to be scripted, then head to THE LAS VEGAS COMEDY SHOW.
Located at the ALEXIS PARK HOTEL just across the street from the Hard Rock Hotel. THE LAS VEGAS COMEDY SHOW SHOWROOM features a full bar, 125 seats including VIP booths, and even food. Each ticket includes 1 free drink!
LocationAlexis Park Hotel
375 E. Harmon
Las Vegas, NV 89169
United States
Minimum Age: 21 |
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: No |
Wheelchair Accessible: No |