* Gruff Rhys was forced to postpone the start of his U.S. tour and won't be able to attend in-person to introduce the film.
Thursday, November 6, 2014 Doors 7:00, Movie at 7:30 $10 admission, no refunds or exchanges
Welsh musician Gruff Rhys documents his latest musical road trip, retracing the fantastical adventure of his 18th Century relative, the explorer John Evans.
In search of a lost tribe of Welsh-speaking Native Americans, John Evans left Wales for America in 1792 with only a $1.75 in his pocket. Alone and without a horse, he walked into the wilderness of the Great Plains and reappeared 7 years later as Don Juan Evans having changed the shape of American history.
Fiction, fact, fantasy, myth and music documentary collide in "AMERICAN INTERIOR" as Rhys uncovers Evans' legacy to American, the true circumstances of his death, and his final resting place.
Portions of AMERICAN INTERIOR were filmed at PhilaMOCA.
PhilaMOCA 531 N. 12th Street Philadelphia, PA 19123 http://www.philamoca.org
531 N. 12th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
United States