Pizza-Rama VHSleepover at Viva Video
In celebration of our 2 year anniversary we are going to have a VHS overnight Pizza Party. We will party like it's 1992 and all rockin' a sleepover at our best friend's house. Five movies only released on VHS, never on DVD or BLURAY, will be screened...and it will be awesome. We'll eat pizza and Doritos and drink soda and have what will generally be considered the best time ever. Special thanks to Cinedelphia.com and Lunchmeat Vhs Fanzine for helping us put this on!!!
Tickets are $8 advance, $10 door, no refunds or exchanges.
Event updates will be posted here: https://www.facebook.com/events/828089833889527/
Viva Video 16 W. Lancaster Avenue Ardmore, PA 19003
LocationViva Video
16 W. Lancaster Avenue
Ardmore, PA 19003
United States