Language of Angels is a haunting tale that begins in a cave on the edge of a rural North Carolina town, where a young girl once went missing. One of nine friends is responsible for her death, yet her ghostly, echoed cries will haunt each of them forever. Iizuka weaves together the parallel paths each friend takes that lead to their own tragic fates.
Her ghost story morphs into a multi-layered musing on grief, loss, guilt and karma, and the elusive truth behind the missing girl's life and death reveals itself one piece at a time.
Hidden beneath the scary, mysterious exterior, Language of Angels is ultimately a touching and deeply heartfelt play. As the surviving friends come to terms with their own mortality, they must also face the truth about their childhood and the regret and guilt their mistakes have caused them.
LocationThe Factory Theatre
791 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02118
United States
Minimum Age: 15 |
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: Yes! |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: No |