BOOKcrobatics is a children's entertainment show created and performed by David Harris. Enter the fantastic world of David the Magnificent in his amazing and entertaining interactive kids show, BOOKcrobatics: a Stuntastical Reading-fueled Educational Program.
Recommended for ages 5+, but all ages welcome. 40 minutes.
David LOVES books. He literally flips head-over-heels, shimmies through a chair, and balances books on his chin just to encourage kids to find the same zest for reading. David brings his love of books to life on stage through a fanciful world of basketball stars, professional bowlers, paper dancers and superheroes.
Kids and families will be captivated and delighted as David balances, juggles, dances, and performs acrobatic stunts while humorously telling his own story about his love of books.
LocationDreamland Arts
677 Hamline Ave. N
St. Paul, MN 55104
United States
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: No |
Wheelchair Accessible: No |