END OF CIVILIZATION is a fictional tale of an ordinary middle class couple with two kids set against the backdrop of a country on the brink of financial ruin. The US economy seems to be in a permanent state of decline, monthly job losses number in the hundreds of thousands and otherwise good individuals are driven to re-define or cross legal and moral boundaries in order to survive and...oh, wait...did we say fictional?
The female characters in the play prove themselves to be far more realistic and adaptable to changing circumstances than the men, who for the most part, struggle against the necessity for change. The play unfolds in an exciting, non-linear fashion and features a top-notch cast of experienced stage actors from Chicago, New York, London and Los Angeles.
* A dark comedy written by George F. Walker, the Toronto based playwright who is famous for giving us characters similar with Cohen brothers in their darkness and the humor that comes from it.
* Brought to you by SkyPilot Theatre Company, who is critically acclaimed for specializing in producing plays that deal with dark tones such as HELLCAB, DEATH AND THE MAIDEN, TAKING SIDES and JERRY AND TOM.
* This is SkyPilot Theatre Companys first L.A. Premiere
LocationSidewalk Studio Theatre
4150 Riverside Dr.
Toluca Lake, CA 91505
United States
Minimum Age: 16 |
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: No |
Wheelchair Accessible: No |