Blue Light Special with Jim Phipps
Attention K-mart shoppers. In the back isle, where the floor is a little sticky and a stubbed out cigarette is still smoking, that's where you'll find us: Blue Light Special. 100% American made, built to last, cheap and loud, but it comes with a lifetime guarantee. Blue Light Special plays the muddy sound of the Mississippi delta, the big shouldered roar of Chicago and the chicken fried twang of Texas. From the sweaty muscular growl and moan of being done wrong and wanting her back anyway, to the transcendent traveling tent ecstasy that will leave you revived and resurrected enough to do another day. We play the music of Willie Dixon, Howlin' Wolf, Stevie Ray and Etta James, Muddy and Jr. Wells, along with a few of our own songs, too, and we been doin' it like that for over seven years now. That smokey blue light is seen in roadhouses, dance clubs, and downtown bars, even an occasional backyard party wherever people want a king-size serving of home-cooked 8 bar raunch and rumble. We'll see y'all some night. Just look for the blue light in the back.
LocationMarion Court Room (View)
7 Marion Court
Lancaster, PA 17602
United States
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |