Darkroom Series 5
New Light Theater Project presents its Darkroom Series, a monthly event which features four to five artists Each is invited to present material currently in progress. Doors open at 7:30pm with a musical guest.
A Happy Pile of Shit Created by and featuring Erik Lazenski Directed by David Delaney Including Richard Jordan and Corrie Blisit A comedic satire of an aspiring New York City comedian. ------------------ Speak, Lavinia Written by Tim Duncheon Directed by Kyle Metzger
Titus Andronicus: a story of revenge in ancient Rome. Speak, Lavinia: a story of redemption in modern-day Kansas. Starring: Shannon Marie Sullivan as Lavinia Matt Faucher as Andronicus Andrew Davies as Willy Nate Jensen as Narrator ------------------ Contemporary Written by Gina Scanlon Directed by Anne Haney Cast includes Louise Mittleman
Benjamin is just shy of a midlife crisis and may give his estranged son, Max, one in the meantime. The two opposites collide when Max decides to bring his girlfriend home for the holidays, and their unfinished business causes some complicated ripple effects. ------------------ Sun Breaks Down Written by Rose Martula Cast includes David Kubicka and Maria Hoffman
As the opening of the full-length play, Sun Breaks Down, begins: two friends run wild in panic, as they attempt to physche one and other up, in order kill a vicious rat that has invaded their apartment. ------------------ Title: The H20 Pool Bar at the San Luis Hotel a carnival in progress by Molly Murphy Directed by Katie Lindsay Performed by Erin Frisbie and Molly Murphy
An SPF55 musical variety about cocktail-waitressing at the swankiest pool bar in an oil refinery town. It's 2007 in Galveston, TX and if you ain't got no money take yo broke ass home. ------------------ Mother, Lover Written by Marrick Smith Cast includes Alexandra Cremer and Marrick Smith
LocationAccess Theater-Black Box Theater- NY, NY (View)
380 Broadway @ White St.
NY, NY 10013
United States