P3E Presnts: Mayhem the final chapter
After 18 months of shows at Studio 7, this will be the last one for the foreseeable future. Join us for one last night of the best hard local music.
Jimni Cricket KFA/DIscowarp/Kikware/Mayhem/Marble
Wheelz Smoke shack/Mayhem Cellar Dweller P3E/Mayhem
Skeets Future World/SeattleHardcore
Beefer Madcow
Tigon Nubreed
Xatu Mayhem
Graz Reactionary/Merryworks/Pizza Cult
Chaos Arctic/Marble
Charlie Eon Kikwear/Arctic/Marble
Project Glow
Treble Rebel Arctic/Emerald Roots
DJ Fennekin
Presale $5 limited $10 unlimited
$10 at the door before 9pm $15 after
$20 VIP includes: VIP Entry, VIP Badge, VIP chill room, free snacks, water, gatoraid.
The Rules
No Drugs allowed, anyone found to be impaired by drugs or alcohol will be denied entry. Anyone found inside impaired will be escorted out & not allowed back in the event until they have sobered up. Anyone found selling drugs will be turned over to SPD.
No weapons of any kind.
No loitering around the venue. If you are here for the party, go inside, if you are not here for the party please leave. We don't need issues with kids hanging around cars & causing trouble. Security will be sweeping the immediate area around the venue to maintain a safe & secure environment for everyone.
Back packs/Bags are welcome but subject to thorough search. There is a bag check available inside the venue for $5.00
Smoking/cool down area will be available to all guest, however we will limit the number of people allowed out at any time. This limitation is to maintain a orderly, controlled environment, where all guests can get some fresh air, cool off, & guests over 18 can smoke. We will limit the length of time you are allowed to stay in the cool down area, Guests under 18 are not allowed to smoke as per WA State Law, guests 18+ are welcome to smoke but we ask once you are finished you please head back inside to allow other guest the opportunity to utilize this space.
ID - all guest MUST have PHOTO ID. Acceptable forms of ID are... Any government issued ID (including WA State ID card, Drivers License, Learners Permit, Pass Port, Military ID etc.) School ID (must have photo-High School Sophomore or later, College ID)
Re-entry - Guest over 21 are free to come and go as they please Guests under 21 are not permitted to leave the event areas, once you leave your entry band will be removed & you have to pay FULL PRICE re-entry.
LocationStudio Seven (View)
110 South Horton Street
seattle, WA 98108
United States