Amidst the tumultuous political turmoil of 14th century Genoa, a troubled romance is saved by a father's love for his daughter. Puget Sound Concert Opera dedicates itself to performing operas concert style with piano and small ensembles. The concert opera format allows audience members to see, hear and feel the music up close and personal. The size of PSCO's venues is comparable to a traditional European opera house, where the intimacy makes the musical experience unique and thrilling: singers receive immediate feedback from the audience, and the audience can see, hear and literally feel the entire performance. It almost becomes a dialog between performer and audience. Some of that experience can be lost in American opera houses which are traditionally much larger than their European counterparts.
LocationGethsemane Lutheran
911 Stewart Street
Seattle, WA
United States
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: No |
Wheelchair Accessible: No |