17th Cine Las Americas Closing Night
Pelo malo / Bad Hair A film by Mariana Rondón Starring: Samuel Lange, Samantha Castillo 2013, Venezuela/Argentina/Peru/Germany, Drama 93 min, HD, Color In Spanish with English subtitles
Closing Night Sunday, April 27, 8PM Marchesa Hall & Theatre - TICKETS COMING SOON 6226 Middle Fiskville Rd Austin, TX 78752 (512) 454-2000
"Mariana Rondon's impressively multilayered drama brings a powerful specificity to the story of a boy and his embittered single mother." - Jay Weissberg, VARIETY
Junior is nine years old and has "bad hair." He wants to straighten his hair for his yearbook picture so he can look like a fashionable pop singer. This elicits a tidal wave of homophonic panic in his hard-working mother, who finds it increasingly difficult to tolerate Junior's fixation with his looks. The more he tries to look sharp to make his mother love him, the more she rejects him. Eventually, he is cornered, faced with a painful decision. PELO MALO has enjoyed success on the festival circuit, including the Toronto International Film Festival, and received the prestigious Concha de Oro for best film at the 2013 San Sebastián International Film Festival.
Junior es un niño que tiene 9 años y el "pelo malo." Él se lo quiere alisar para la foto de su escuela, y así verse como un cantante de moda, lo que crea un enfrentamiento con su madre Marta, una joven viuda desempleada. Marta, desbordada por lo complicado que es sobrevivir en la caótica Caracas, cada vez tiene más dificultad para aguantar la fijación de Junior con su aspecto. Cuanto más guapo quiere parecer Junior para que su mamá lo quiera, más lo rechaza ella. Finalmente, Junior se verá obligado a tomar una dolorosa decisión. PELO MALO ha tenido mucho éxito en los festivales de cine, incluyendo el Festival de Cine Internacional de Toronto y el Festival de San Sebastián, donde recibió la prestigiosa Concha de Oro en 2013.
LocationThe Marchesa Hall and Theatre (View)
6406 N I H 35 # 3100
Austin, TX 78752
United States