La gran familia española (17th Cine Las Americas Film Festival)
Opens with short film 9546 KM
Spain, Comedy/Romance/Family Drama, 2013 102 min, Digital, Color In Spanish with English subtitles
Ephraim, the youngest of 5 brothers all with biblical names (recalling 7 BRIDES FOR 7 BROTHERS), asks his 10 year-old classmate, Carla, to marry him when they both turn 18. Eight years later, who would have thought that Spain would be playing the World Soccer Championship finals in South Africa precisely on their wedding day. Ephraim will reunite his family on this day of national catharsis and, with the entire country paralyzed by the game, each family member will be confronted with the most challenging match of their lives: accepting who they are and where they come from. LA GRAN FAMILIA ESPAÑOLA was nominated for 11 Goya Awards including Best Picture, winning in the categories of Best Original Song and Best Supporting Actor (Roberto Álamo).
Credits Producer: José Antonio Félez, Fernando Bovaira, Mikel Lejarza, Mercedes Gamero Production Companies: Atipica Films, MOD Producciones, Antena 3 Films Screenwriter: Daniel Sánchez Arévalo Cinematographer: Juan Carlos Gómez Editor: Nacho Ruiz Capillas Sound Design: Carlos Faruolo Music: Josh Rouse Cast: Antonio de la Torre, Quim Gutiérrez, Verónica Echegui, Patrick Criado, Miquel Fernández, Roberto Álamo, Héctor Colomé, Arancha Martí, Sandra Martín
Print Source: Film Factory Entertainment,
LocationThe Marchesa Hall and Theatre (View)
6226 Middle Fiskville Road
Austin, TX 78752
United States