High Rankin Productions presents Beats and Brews at Danny's! This 18+ to enter, 21+ to drink Showcasing pure Local talent of all genres! Tickets sold at the door 10$ Doors open at 5PM Comedy from 6 PM to 7:30 PM Charlie Burkley headliner Kyle kinzer feature Krinker guest Tommy Pettinger Jay Vap Music from 8:30 PM to midnight Live music by Headliner SDNF T Lock Sharpie J epAdemyk Yvng Twitch Dreamz the Artist Kidd braxx Big brutal D-Ray What It Do Just Mikel KID JEFFERY Teqz TTG BREAD WINNER 2Poetic 2300weBaby Enjoy drink specials and food specials $3 domestic pints and a full pound of wings for just $13
Hosted by False Truth
Danny Boys Draft Works Notre Dame (View)
54721 Burdette St, South Bend, IN
south bend, IN 46637
United States