Bathhouse John has returned once again from 1908, ready once against to present his astonishing troupe of wondrous things from times forgotten! The only show in town where you are guaranteed at least 3 jokes about Mayor Carter Harrison Jr. and can be regaled by the poet laurette of Chicago's city counsel's finest poetry! Plus! Amazing Circus from the early 20th century, straight from the wonder of his zoo, included his amazing pickled pachyderm, Princess Alice! And more! The only performance of the 12th wonder of the world- Bathhouse John's OPPERETTA- DEAR MIDNIGHT OF LOVE! Now- performed on the trapeze! One day only! (No real animal acts, just people pretending)
Cast Credits:
Bathhouse John Coughlin, as himself Aleia Olson Rae Lawhorne Heather Valles Eric Robinson Shoshana Levy
The Atria (View)
3146 W Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL 60622
United States