Teaching from H.E. Khöndung Asanga Rinpoche on Madhyamaka (The Middle Way) Philosophy
Sakya Monastery Seattle, WA
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Date: Sunday, May 25th Time: 10:00 am - Noon Registration closes Friday, May 23rd at 10:00 am
H.E. Khondung Asanga Rinpoche will be giving a general teaching on Madhyamaka (The Middle Way) Philosophy. Madhyamaka (The Middle Way) Philosophy is based on the Buddha's Transcendent Wisdom teachings and was founded by Nagarjuna between the 1st and 2nd centuries in India. This rich philosophical tradition was developed by luminaries, such as Chandrakirti during India's golden renaissance culture (4th-11th centuries), and was later refined by the great scholars of Tibet. This tradition uses analytical tools that cut through misconceptions about the nature of reality and the self, clearing the way for a "middle" space where relative selves may interact in a field of potential.
Sakya Monastery (View)
108 NW 83rd Street
Seattle, WA 98117
United States