About the Play: Cornelia is an advanced operating system working within the home of Isabel Inchausti, a bestselling novelist whose career has seen better days. Cornelia seems content to spend her time fulfilling her human's frivolous requests until three enigmatic characters from Isabel's most famous novel suddenly appear in her living room. As the visitors' pre-World War II backstories collide with the all-access Information Age, Cornelia launches a plan to transform her humble existence into something much grander. Cornelia's Visitors explores the meaning of creation, the limits of artificial intelligence, and the blessings (and curses) of self-knowledge.
Written by Julieta Vitullo Directed by Montse Garza
Featuring: Jessica Marvin-Romero as Cornelia Monica Cortés Viharo as Isabel Inchausti Iveliz Martel as Corenlia Fabra James Lyle as Mr. Noah Meier Nathan Cardenas as Professor Gregorio Abarca Understudies/Devising Ensemble: Emily Fortuna, Chip Wood
Creative Team: Stage Manager: Jane W Davie Production Manager: Ayla Wren Wallace Scenic Designer: Alex Winterle Lighting Designer: Ricardo Solis Sound Designer: Ingrid Bell Costume Designer: Tianxing Yan Props Designer: Henry Behrens Marketing Coordinator: Iveliz Martel Sebastian Bravo Montenegro - Graphic Designer Iy Cardona - Photography
Dates and Times: Thursday March 27, 7:30 PM Preview Friday March 28, 7:30 PM Opening Night Saturday March 29, 7:30 PM Sunday March 30, 2 PM Friday April 4, 7:30 PM Saturday April 5, 7:30 PM Sunday April 6, 2 PM Friday April 11, 7:30 PM Saturday April 12, 7:30 PM Sunday April 13, 2 PM Monday April 14, 7:30 PM Industry Night Friday April 18, 7:30 PM Saturday April 19, 7:30 PM Closing Night
Content: This show does not include graphic or realistic representations of violence, but it deals with issues of war and trauma, and other topics intended for mature audiences. Our age recommendation is 13 and up, though patrons are invited to determine for themselves what they are comfortable with. If you would like more information about the content of the show, please reach out to us at eseseattle@gmail.com
Learn More: Visit our dramaturgy page, "Our Plays in Context," to learn more about the show. No spoilers! https://www.eseteatro.org/dramaturgy.html
Ticket Price: We provide a tiered payment system to ensure everyone can come to our shows. If you or someone you know would like to attend the show but can't afford a ticket, contact eseseattle@gmail.com and we'll be happy to give you one free ticket, no questions asked (free tickets must be reserved in advance; we ask that you please come to the theatre 30 minutes prior to the show to claim your ticket). Teen Tix are sold at the door.
About Our Company: eSe Teatro empowers local Latin@ artists to create, produce and promote professional theater in English, Spanish and Spanglish. We provide a voice for Latine artists as well as communities by sharing culturally and socially relevant stories through our innovative programming, workshops, and initiatives.
Lobby: The lobby is available to the audience an hour before curtain, and the box office will open 30 minutes before. There's a lobby display for audience members to learn more about the play and its context. Concessions: Snacks and beverages will be available for purchase at every performance. Temperature Control: Theatre is air conditioned. Chair Seat Width: 24.25" Seating: Raked riser seating from the floor to 5' off the ground. Wheelchair-accessible seating: Floor seating can be removed to accommodate patrons who use wheelchairs. Just speak with house staff. Restrooms: All public restrooms are gender neutral and ADA accessible.
GETTING THERE West of Lenin is located at 203 N 36th Street. It's a 5 minute walk west of the Lenin statue in Seattle's Fremont neighborhood. Fremont is a high-traffic area, please use designated crosswalks for your safety.
PARKING: Please give yourself enough time to find a place to park (at least 20 extra minutes is recommended). Patrons with mobility issues may use the West of Lenin carport located to the right of the theatre doors, but space is limited. Parking may be tricky on weekends. No late seating.