Tuesday, July 11, 2023 1pm - 4 pm (Lunch included, 3 clock hours) COST: $30 (Free for Metropolist brokers)
DESCRIPTION The Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice course is now required every 2 years. Required, yes. Snooze-fest? No. Well cover the required material in an engaging, collaborative, and fun way.
In this course, you will examine all of the professional standards including The Articles of the Code of Ethics. Youll review case studies of real scenarios where alleged violations occurred and then make your own decisions on those studies in a group setting. Takeaways will be applications you can apply to your day-to-day business dealings to ensure ethical business practices are taking place.
You will learn:
Recent revisions and additions to the Code of Ethics Applications for the Codes principles and guidelines to your own practice Options for settling disputes in the industry.
This course is filled with real-life experiences and exercises.
The Learning Lab at Metropolist (View)
2931 1st Ave S, Suite A
United States