blood Quantum Physics
This series follows the lives of three Indigenous women Maria, Tina, and Sarah each embracing their unique paths while navigating the complexities of modern Native life. From powwows to kitchen tables, they find strength, humor, and resilience in one another, celebrating cultural traditions while contending with contemporary struggles. Marias wit and social charisma bring laughter to the group, while Tinas nurturing spirit and dedication to cultural preservation guide her as a single mother. Sarahs culinary ambition and fierce independence drive her to honor her heritage in new ways. Together, they balance personal dreams with collective values, forming a sisterhood that helps them face love, loss, and self-discovery. Through their journey, the series explores the power of community, cultural identity, and the humor that binds them in the face of adversity. Its a celebration of Indigenous resilience and the joy of finding oneself amidst lifes trials.
LocationGremlin Theatre (View)
550 Vandalia St.
St Paul, MN 55114
United States
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |
the Gremlin Theatre is Wheel chair Accessible