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SIFF Film Center
Seattle, WA
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The Ibero-American Animation Short Film Competition features a diverse selection of animated short films that showcase the creativity and storytelling prowess of animators from the Ibero-American region.

The Hardest Shapes / Entrelazados (Colombia, 2023, 14 min.)
Directed by Alejandra Morales García
Between the lines of affection and pain, a generational dispute is drawn about the meaning of being a woman. A daughter faces the challenge of listening to her mother and her grandmother with the purpose of blurring the forms that cement her identity.

Entre las líneas del afecto y el dolor, se traza una disputa generacional sobre el significado de ser mujer. Una hija enfrenta el desafío de escuchar a su madre y a su abuela con el propósito de desdibujar las formas que cimentan su identidad.

In Half / En mitad (Spain, 2023, 24 min.)
Directed by Jorge Morais Valle
Through a child's imagination it tells the journey of a man who after falling prey to his fears, he must cross a strange world, a universe full of magic, where he will be confronted with his own fears and conflicts from the past and where he must find solutions for the future to discover his self-identity.

A través de la imaginación de un niño, se narra el viaje de un hombre que, tras caer preso de sus miedos, debe atravesar un mundo extraño, un universo lleno de magia, donde se enfrentará a sus propios temores y conflictos del pasado, y donde deberá encontrar soluciones para el futuro para descubrir su identidad.

Monster Boy / El joven mostruo (Brazil, 2023, 9 min.)
Directed by Guilherme Alvernaz
Have you ever imagined having a brother who is a real little monster? In "Monster Boy", Clarice shares exactly this unique experience. Through their stories, we discover a world where the antics and peculiarities of Nico, his younger brother, turn each day into an unexpected adventure.

¿Alguna vez has imaginado tener un hermano que es un verdadero pequeño monstruo? En "Chico Monstruo", Clarice comparte exactamente esta experiencia única. A través de sus historias, descubrimos un mundo donde las travesuras y peculiaridades de Nico, su hermano menor, convierten cada día en una aventura inesperada.

The Strange Case Of The Human Cannonball / El extraño caso de la bala de cañón humana (Ecuador, 2023, 9 min.)
Directed by Roberto Valencia
One morning, a mysterious man is found lying in the square of a village inhabited by only six residents. No one knows who he is, nor where he came from. They must act quickly and decide what to do before the stranger awakens.

Una mañana, un hombre misterioso es encontrado tendido en la plaza de un pueblo habitado por solo seis residentes. Nadie sabe quién es ni de dónde vino. Deben actuar rápidamente y decidir qué hacer antes de que el desconocido despierte.

Wildflowers / Maleza (Portugal, 2024, 5 min.)
Directed by Carina Pierro Corso
A feeling of emptiness, a restless mind and two pieces of land. What is born from the void that unites them? Wildflower is a poetic essay about the undesirable, the lack of control and duality that seeks to explore the different possibilities of interaction between human beings and the uncontrollable side of nature.

Un sentimiento de vacío, una mente inquieta y dos pedazos de tierra. ¿Qué nace del vacío que los une? Wildflower es un ensayo poético sobre lo indeseable, la falta de control y la dualidad que busca explorar las diferentes posibilidades de interacción entre los seres humanos y el lado incontrolable de la naturaleza.

The Final Day / El dia final (USA, 2024, 4 min.)
Directed by  Sofia Arbaiza Martinez
Yadira, a creative young Cuban girl, struggles packing on her final day home. Embarking on an immigration journey alone, her suitcase feels too small to carry everything her heart holds.

Yadira, una joven cubana creativa, lucha por empacar en su último día en casa. Emprendiendo sola un viaje de inmigración, su maleta parece demasiado pequeña para llevar todo lo que su corazón guarda.


SIFF Film Center (View)
305 Harrison St
Seattle, WA 98109
United States



Minimum Age: 13


Owner: Seattle Latino Film Festival
On BPT Since: Sep 10, 2021
16th Annual Edition Seattle Latino Film Festival

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