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All Meat Diet / La Sudestada
Shoreline Community College Theater
Seattle, WA
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All Meat Diet / La Sudestada
Short Film: All Meat Diet / La dieta de la carne (USA, 2024, 5 min.) English
Directed by Hae Ji Cho
Cast: Brayan Murguia

Synopsis: ALL MEAT DIET follows the increasingly harrowing journey of a young man who turns to a collective of zealous fitness enthusiasts in pursuit of his "best self."

As the protagonist entrenches himself in a community that mirrors his ambitions, he also finds the shame he harbors reflected back at him through the voices of several of his most fervent peers.

This film delves into toxic positivity, the proximity between regimen and intemperance, and our innate desire for validation and community.

Feature Narrative:
The Southern Storm /  La Sudestada
Country: Argentina
Year of Production: 2023
Genre: Drama, Thriller, Noir, Suspense
Language: Spanish w/  English subtitles
Directed by Daniel Casabé
Running Time: 88 minutes
Cast: Katja Alemann, Juan Carrasco, Edgardo Castro

Synopsis:  In Buenos Aires, when the southern wind blows, nothing can stop it. The violent gusts agitate the citys shores, and the storm might last for days. For a time, nature is in control once again. Jorge "The Hound" Villafañez (65), a grumpy and cynical old private detective, is about to be hit by his own personal storm. Once Elvira Schulz appears as a secret force in Jorges life, there will be no wind that, when it blows, wont shake Jorges world.

Sinopsis: En Buenos Aires, cuando sopla el viento del sur, nada puede detenerlo. Las violentas ráfagas agitan las costas de la ciudad, y la tormenta puede durar días. Durante un tiempo, la naturaleza vuelve a tomar el control. Jorge "El Sabueso" Villafañez (65), un viejo detective privado gruñón y cínico, está a punto de ser golpeado por su propia tormenta personal. Una vez que Elvira Schulz aparece como una fuerza secreta en la vida de Jorge, no habrá viento que, cuando sople, no sacuda el mundo de Jorge.


Shoreline Community College Theater (View)
16101 Greenwood Ave. N 1600 Bldg./Theater
Seattle, WA 98133
United States


Film > Festivals

Minimum Age: 17
Kid Friendly: No
Dog Friendly: Yes!
Non-Smoking: No


Owner: Seattle Latino Film Festival
On BPT Since: Sep 10, 2021
16th Annual Edition Seattle Latino Film Festival

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