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2009 workshops
The Sharma Center
Seattle, WA
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Midori & Michele's workshop is sold out. There is still room to enjoy Emily's workshop at 3pm.


2009 workshops
All workshops and presentations will be held at the Sharma Center, a 10 minute walk from the Festival. Full description and bios may be found at www.SeattleErotic.org

NOTE: Michele and Midori's Noon workshop is sold out.

I.G. FREDERICK: The Art of Erotic Writing
A dynamic discussion for writers of all levels

Friday May 1, 4pm-6pm  $15
Telling titillating tales is not difficult. Artfully writing erotic stories that capture readers and fully involve them in the entire experience requires more than just a hot sex scene. Learn from a published professional some of the ways you can draw readers into your narrative and hold their attention whether you are writing a short story or a novel.

I.G. Frederick has written professionally and taught workshops for more years than she cares to admit and has specialized in erotic fiction and poetry for the last eight years. She has sold sixteen short stories and dozens of poems to various print and electronic magazines and anthologies. More information at http://www.eroticawriter.net

I.G. Frederick will also be offering Manuscript Reviews. $25 for 15 minutes. See www.SeattleErotic.org for details.

Introduction to Gay Erotic Comics
A roundtable discussion

Saturday, May 2, 11:30am-12:30pm  $5.00
Featuring Drub, Dale Lazarov, Patrick Fillion and Steve MacIsaac, we offer a rare opportunity to talk about what gay erotic comics can do that other kinds of gay porn cannot  and how gay erotic comics do it.

Drub creates proto-pornography for the punk and skateboard generation. His distinctive work has been featured in Blue, Men, Freshmen, [2] Magazine, Unzipped, Gay-News Amsterdam, and Instigator Magazine, and exhibited in Amsterdam, Berlin, Toronto, and many cities in the U.S.

Dale Lazarov is the writer and editor of gay erotic comics such as Sticky (drawn by Steve MacIsaac), Manly (drawn by Amy Colburn) and the forthcoming Nightlife (drawn by Bastian Jonsson). Dale's collaboration with Drubskin, "The Welcome Back Fuck", was featured in Best Gay Erotica 2007 (Cleis Press).

Patrick Fillion is the creator of gay pop culture characters such as Naked Justice, Camili-Cat, Zahn, Deimos and countless others. He is a co-founder of Class Comics and has released dozens adult-themed comic books. Through the Germany-based publisher Bruno Gmunder, Patrick has released several hardcover books, including Hot Chocolate, Heroes and Bliss.

Steve MacIsaac's illustrations and comics have appeared in publications including Unzipped, Men, Bear, 100% Beef, Boy Trouble, True Porn, and Best Erotic Comics 2008. Sticky, an erotic graphic novel done in collaboration with Dale Lazarov, was published by Bruno Gmuender in 2006. He has continued to explore the intersection of sexuality, personality, and society in his series Shirtlifter.

These presenters will also be offering Portfolio Reviews. $25 for 15 minutes. See www.SeattleErotic.org for details.

DAVID STEINBERG: Fine Art Sexual Photography Comes of Age
A slide-show presentation for everyone

Saturday May 2, 1pm-2:30pm $10.00
In the last decade there has been an explosion of artful sexual photography--photography that is not afraid to take sex as its direct subject matter, that sees sex as a complex, important aspect of life, deserving the attention and care that all art brings to its subjects, images that have more to say about sex than, "look, sex is happening, we get to watch."

This presentation will offer an overview of the new sexual photography, a discussion of the issues involved in photographing sex among real people in an honest and meaningful way, and a look at some of the social and political controversies that some fine art sexual photography has provoked.

David Steinberg is a photographer, author, editor, and publisher. His previous books include Photo Sex: Fine Art Sexual Photography Comes of Age; Erotic by Nature: A Celebration of Life, of Love, and of Our Wonderful Bodies; and The Erotic Impulse: Honoring the Sensual Self.

David will also be offering Portfolio Reviews. $25 for 15 minutes. See www.SeattleErotic.org for details.

JIM DUVALL: Amateur Erotic Photography
Presentation and workshop for everyone

Saturday May 2, 3pm-5pm $20.00
Erotic photography does not require elaborate equipment and sets. Learn how to take great pictures in your own home with the camera you already have. Jim will demonstrate the elements of good erotic photography. Bring the camera you have (cell phone to high end) and he'll lead you through a sample shoot to practice what you have learned.

Jim Duvall is a photographer who specializes in art about sexuality and the edges of erotica. He has shown work in festivals and galleries and is a founder of the Center for Sex Positive Culture and has won numerous jury and audience awards at the Seattle Erotic Art Festival.

A hands-on workshop for photographers of all levels

Sunday May 3, Noon-2pm SOLD OUT

Do you want to convey more heat and passion through your photos? When it comes to erotic photography, technical proficiency alone will not win over hearts, juries, or buyers. Year after year, SEAF jurors reject technically superb work as they mutter about "bored-looking models." Well, bye-bye boring. Midori & Michele create dynamic, passionate artwork, both with very different creative agendas. Learn their behind-the-scenes tips and tricks for engaging, sizzling photography that gets attention.

Bring your favorite cameras so that you can practice a different approach to shooting.

Michele Serchuk has been shooting her evocative, intensely personal erotic portraiture in New York City for over a decade. She has exhibited at group shows, in solo exhibitions and has led workshops across the United States and Canada and assists at all of Midoris Rope Dojo weekend rope bondage intensives.

Midori is the much-talked-about underground Shibari artist breaking barriers internationally through installation, performance and photography. She brings a new edge of grace and the grotesque stemming from her multicultural roots. Graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, she is a full time sex educator and author.

EMILY POTHAST: Cosmic Coitus
A Slideshow of Art, Sex, and Spirituality

Sunday May 3, 3pm-4pm  Free (donations accepted at the door)
Cosmic Coitus is a titillating glimpse into the history of the human imagination. Drawing on sacred art from around the world and the writings of mythologists such as Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, artist and writer Emily Pothast will trace the often rocky relationship between sex and spirituality to shed light on symbols, structures and paradigms that persist today as fragments of a mythic past.

Emily is a visual artist, musician, essayist, and the current Director of the Antique Print Department at Davidson Galleries in Seattle. She is the author of the critically acclaimed art blog Translinguistic Other, which focuses on the overlapping domains of science, creativity, and the religious impulse.

To purchase tickets for the Seattle Erotic Art Festival Exhibition, Performances and after-hours parties, please visit www.brownpapertickets.com/producer/1659

The Seattle Erotic Art Festival is the flagship event of the nonprofit Foundation for Sex Positive Culture.


The Sharma Center
406 Dexter Street
Seattle, WA 98109
United States



Minimum Age: 18
Kid Friendly: No
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: No
Wheelchair Accessible: No


Owner: Seattle Erotic Art Festival
On BPT Since: Feb 03, 2005
Seattle Erotic Art Festival

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