North Tonawanda Class of 1994 Reunion
Here you can purchase tickets for Friday nights Renuin at Gratwick Hall the Family event at Gratwick Park or both.
Friday Sept 20th Gratwick Fire Hall - from 7:30pm-11:30pm $50 includes food, drinks (All you can drink), Music
Sat Sept 21st Gratwick park Family Get together - from 2:00pm-7:00pm $30 Games, Drinks and Food
Combo Tickets for both events are $75.00
Tickets Cut off three weeks prior to the event so we can get head counts.
If you have any questions Please feel free to text or email teklabarrett@gmail.com or danielklaes@gmail.com
LocationGratwick Fire Hall /Park (View)
110 Ward Rd
North Tonawanda, NY 14120
United States