Overview of the Dharma Course
Wednesdays: March 27th - May 1st Time: 7:30pm On Zoom (registrants will be emailed Zoom login info prior to the first class)
This is a new, biannual program on the Essence of Buddhist Theory and Practice for the V.E.I. at Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism. Created by H.E. Avikrita Vajra Sakya, this program contains six sessions in the following order:
Meet the Triple Gem (March 27th) Turning the Wheel (April 3rd) The Great Vehicle (April 10th) The Middle Way (April 17th) Meditation for Liberation (April 24th) Taking the Result as the Path (May 1st)
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles Online Access Information You will be provided instructions to access the digital content for this event. When and how these instructions are delivered to you is determined by the Event Organizer. To ensure access, use an up-to-date email address and avoid unsubscribing from email updates. See our Help Center for more information.