Child Intervention Intake Process Information Session
Please join ALIGN in hosting the Ministry of Children and Family Services for an important session regarding the Intake Phase of Child Intervention Delivery, what happens when a report is received, and how this has evolved.
Child Intervention is part of the Government of Alberta. We respond to concerns about the safety of children and youth. We are sometimes also referred to as child intervention services, child welfare, or child protective services.
Our top priority is always the safety of children, youth and families. Under the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act (CYFEA), we have the legal authority to deliver services to children, youth and families in certain circumstances. This Act sets out specific reasons for us becoming involved with families. These reasons are based on risks to a child or youths safety, security and development.
There is no cost to attend. Please register on Zoom ahead of time - the link is in your confirmation message.
LocationZoom link sent a few days prior
Timezone: America/Edmonton Online Access Information After registering, a ZOOM REGISTRATION LINK will be in your confirmation message. PLEASE PRE-REGISTER BEFORE THE SESSION.
Just in case, a unique Zoom link will be provided again a few days before the session begins. Please check your spam/junk folders.