"Laundry and Bourbon," directed by Cass Foster takes place on the back porch of Roy and Elizabeth's home in Maynard, Texas, on a hot summer afternoon. Elizabeth and her friend Hattie are whiling away the time by folding laundry, watching TV, sipping bourbon and Coke, and gossiping about the many open secrets that are part of small-town life. They are joined by the self-righteous Amy Lee, who, among other tidbits, can't resist blurting out that Roy has been seen around town with another woman. While the ensuing conversation is increasingly edged with bitter humor, from it emerges a sense of Elizabeth's inner strength and her quiet understanding of the turmoil that has beset her husband since his return from Vietnam.
Elizabeth. . . . . . . . Brooke Morgan Hattie . . . . . . . . . . .Erin Gaines Amy Lee. . . . . . . . .Corissa Berrett
"Lone Star," directed by Bard Widmer takes place in the cluttered backyard of a small-town Texas bar. Roy, once a local high-school hero, is back in town after a hitch in Vietnam and trying to reestablish his position in the community. Joined by his younger brother, Ray (who worships him), Roy sets about consuming a case of beer while regaling Ray with tales of his military and amorous exploits. With the arrival of Cletis, the fatuous, newlywed son of the local hardware store owner, the underpinnings of Roy's world begin to collapse as things past and present come to light. Despite all, the high good humor of the play never lapses.
Roy . . . . . . . . . . . Benny Barrett Ray . . . . . . . . . . . Bailey Hutton Cletis . . . . . . . . . Jaemin Yi
LocationWIT's End (View)
4-484 Kuhio Hwy, Coconut Market Place, Space J 4 & 5 (next to Sole Mates)
Kapaa, HI 96746
United States
Minimum Age: 18 |
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |