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The Beacon Cinema
Seattle, WA
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Limite (Mark of Distinction) (Mexico, 37 min. 2022)
Directors: George Nicholas
Producer:  George Nicholas, Eliza Bonev
Genre: Drama
Cast: Gustavo Cruz, Eduardo Gómez, Jorge Domínguez Cerdá, Carla Culebro, Zoni Medina, Leah Finity
Language: Spanish  w/ English subtitles

Synopsis: MANUEL is a 16-year-old living in Tijuana, Mexico with his grandfather while his mom works in the U.S., supporting them. When he meets a girl he thinks he loves, he sees an opportunity to assert his independence, but what he doesn't know is that she is working for a drug dealer to whom Manuel is now indebted. When he is asked to perform a favor he cant refuse, Manuel must choose between risking his life and losing his dignity.

Sinopsis: MANUEL es un joven de 16 años que vive en Tijuana, México con su abuelo mientras su mamá trabaja en Estados Unidos, apoyándolos. Cuando conoce a una chica que cree amar, ve una oportunidad para hacer valer su independencia, pero lo que no sabe es que ella trabaja para un traficante de drogas con quien Manuel ahora está en deuda. Cuando le piden que le haga un favor que no puede rechazar, Manuel debe elegir entre arriesgar su vida o perder su dignidad.

Animal Transport (Argentina, 19 min. 2022)
Directors: Iván Bustinduy
Producer:  Iván Bustinduy, Sebastián Álvarez, Francisco Castro Pizzo
Genre:  Drama & Fantasy
Cast: Héctor Bordoni
Language: Spanish  w/ English subtitles

Synopsis: A man returns to his job in a company that transports animals. On his first trip, one of the cages doesn't seem to be carrying what it should. The mystery lurking in his truck pushes him to the limit of his own sanity.

Sinopsis: Un hombre regresa a su trabajo en una empresa de transporte de animales. En su primer viaje, una de las jaulas no parece llevar lo que debería. El misterio que acecha en su camioneta lo lleva al límite de su propia cordura.

Christian (Spain, 11 min. 2021)  
Explicit Content
Director: Adán Pichardo
Producer:  Adán Pichardo
Genre: Comedy, LGTBIQ+ & Social
Cast: Nacho Guerreros, Iván Vigara
Language: Spanish w/ English subtitles

Synopsis: Cristiano is a young devotee who wants to be trained in the seminary to become a Catholic priest, but unexpectedly the interviewer responsible for vocations is the ancient priest of his hometown, Avelino, an unconventional priest who defines himself as "cool dude". Right before Avelino approves his registration to the seminary, Cristiano confesses his most intimate secret, which will determine if he can be a priest.

Sinopsis: Cristiano es un joven devoto que quiere formarse en el seminario para convertirse en sacerdote católico, pero inesperadamente el entrevistador encargado de las vocaciones es el anciano sacerdote de su ciudad natal, Avelino, un sacerdote poco convencional que se define a sí mismo como "cool dude". Justo antes de que Avelino apruebe su inscripción al seminario, Cristiano confiesa su secreto más íntimo, que determinará si puede ser sacerdote.

Esmeralda (USA, Colombia 18 min. 2023)
Directors: Jennifer Greco
Producer: Nifemi Adegboye, Camila Alonso Cruz
Genre:  Drama
Cast: Ana María Sánchez, Elkin Díaz, Isa Tous
Language: Spanish & English w/ English subtitles

Synopsis: When a young woman, Esmeralda, returns to her native land to confront her mother about a traumatic childhood memory, the two women force a newfound bond through a shared experience.

Sinopsis: Cuando una joven, Esmeralda, regresa a su tierra natal para confrontar a su madre sobre un recuerdo traumático de su infancia, las dos mujeres forjan un nuevo vínculo a través de una experiencia compartida.

The Cake (Venezuela, 18 min. 2022)
Directors: Carlos Novella
Producer: Jaymar Marcano
Genre:  Drama & Aging
Cast:  Omaira Abinadé, Maríalejandra Martín
Language: Spanish w/ English subtitles

Synopsis:  A confectioner prepares the cake for a party to which she hopes to be invited.

Sinopsis: Una reportera prepara la torta de una fiesta a la que espera ser invitada.

GOLEM (Colombia, 14 min. 2022)
Directors: Andrés Jiménez Quintero
Producer:  Ainara Landon, Jesus Lloveras
Genre:   Drama & War
Cast: Andrés Felipe Foronda Quintero
Language: Spanish  w/ English subtitles

Synopsis: Emilios days go by in a hot and humid region of Colombia; he is a 16-year-old boy who, due to uneasiness and a lack of opportunities, has no other choice but to join the paramilitary group that operates in the area.

Sinopsis: Los días de Emilio transcurren en una región cálida y húmeda de Colombia; Se trata de un joven de 16 años que, ante el malestar y la falta de oportunidades, no le queda otra que unirse al grupo paramilitar que opera en la zona.

Blood and ash (Costa Rica, 18 min. 2022)
Directors: Kenneth Sanabria
Producer:  Kenneth Sanabria
Genre:   Drama
Cast: Natalia Amador, Reinaldo Amien, Gael Sanabria, Leah Araya
Language: Spanish  w/ English subtitles

Synopsis: In a small mountain house, under the law of the Christian Holy Family, a mother and her two children live in confinement forced by her husband. But after a failed suicide attempt, the mother is forced to include her children in a new escape plan.

Sinopsis: En una pequeña casa de montaña, bajo la ley de la Sagrada Familia cristiana, una madre y sus dos hijos viven en confinamiento obligado por su marido. Pero tras un fallido intento de suicidio, la madre se ve obligada a incluir a sus hijos en un nuevo plan de fuga.


The Beacon Cinema (View)
4405 Rainier Ave S.
Seattle, WA 98118
United States


Film > Festivals

Minimum Age: 17
Kid Friendly: No
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: No
Wheelchair Accessible: No


Owner: Seattle Latino Film Festival
On BPT Since: Sep 10, 2021
15th Annual Seattle Latino Film Festival

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