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The Beacon Cinema
Seattle, WA
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Frida in the Sky (Canada, 6 min. 2023. Short Animation)
Director: Dani Sadun
Producer:  Lauren Eden
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Comedy & Animation
Language: English

Synopsis: Frida, an 8-year-old engineering prodigy, builds an airplane behind her mothers back to follow in her Abuelas legacy.

Sinopsis: Frida, una niña prodigio de la ingeniería de 8 años, construye un avión a espaldas de su madre para seguir el legado de su abuela.

Los ayeres de hoy (USA, 12 min. 2023. Short Film)
Director: Emilia Pérez Rocha Santos
Producer:  Maya Ratliff
Genre: Drama
Cast: Andy Elden, Herbert Siguenza
Language: Spanish w/ English subtitles
Contact:  eperezrocha1999@gmail.com

Synopsis: When a failing high school student is asked to visit his professor during the professor's office hours, he travels back in time to experience all the hardships that Chicanos endured.

Sinopsis: Cuando se le pide a un estudiante de secundaria que está fracasando que visite a su profesor durante el horario de oficina del profesor, viaja en el tiempo para experimentar todas las dificultades que soportaron los chicanos.

Martinez (Mexico & France, 93 min. 2023. Feature Film)
Director: Lorena Padilla
Producer:  Georgina González
Genre: Drama
Cast: Francisco Reyes, Humberto Busto, Martha Claudia Moreno
Language: Spanish w/ English subtitles

Synopsis: Martinez, a lonely accountant who really prizes his daily monotony, is pushed by his hierarchy to retire. While his life stability is threatened, his neighbor, a woman of his age, is found dead in her home after several days. Although he has never met her, her death will make him realize that his life is still ahead of him.

Sinopsis: Martínez, un contador solitario que realmente valora su monotonía diaria, es empujado por su jerarquía a retirarse. Mientras su estabilidad vital se ve amenazada, su vecina, una mujer de su edad, es encontrada muerta en su casa después de varios días. Aunque nunca la ha conocido, su muerte le hará darse cuenta de que aún le queda vida por delante.


The Beacon Cinema (View)
4405 Rainier Ave S.
Seattle, WA 98118
United States
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Film > Festivals

Minimum Age: 16


Owner: Seattle Latino Film Festival
On BPT Since: Sep 10, 2021
15th Annual Seattle Latino Film Festival

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