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CFF: THX 1138 w/ a live score by Conveyor
Philadelphia, PA
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CFF: THX 1138 w/ a live score by Conveyor
Video Pirates presents
Cinedelphia Film Festival
April 10-27, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 8:00 PM
THX 1138
(1971, 86 minutes, Dir. George Lucas)
w/ an original live score by Conveyor!
$10, no refunds or exchanges.

George Lucas' 1971 feature-film debut remains one of the greatest science fiction films ever made and serves as a thematic precursor to the mythologies later explored in STAR WARS. Set in a drug-addled future dystopia, the film tells the story of android manufacturer THX 1138 (Robert Duvall) who gains a greater (and troublesome) awareness of his restrictive society following the meddlesome actions of his roommate. Donald Pleasance gives a memorable performance as fellow rebel SEN 5241 and the great Sid Haig appears briefly as a prisoner. With its sparse costumes and sets, still relevant themes, and memorably moving climax, THX 1138 is a true achievement in the tradition of mutually bleak sci-fi masterpieces such as BRAZIL, 1984, and FAHRENHEIT 451.

CONVEYOR is a Brooklyn-based music project with origins in Gainesville, FL. Brimming with lucid, homey synths layered over acoustic guitars and thick vocal harmonies, their first EP announced the band as extraterrestrial bible-thumpers drenched in love, spouting acid-soaked pop unabashed to beam with the simultaneous embrace of life/death realities backed by a polyrhythmic, pulsing backdrop. conveyormusic.com

Full CFF schedule available here:

531 N. 12th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123


PhilaMOCA (View)
531 N. 12th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
United States



Owner: PhilaMOCA
On BPT Since: Jun 18, 2012
Eric Bresler

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