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Look Mexico, Frank Turner, Ugly Colors, & Joshua English
Portland, OR
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Look Mexico, Frank Turner, Ugly Colors, & Joshua English
Look Mexico
Like the finest post-punk, Look Mexico freely dabble in experimentation and introspection on Gasp, Asp, all while maintaining a fresh sense of urgency throughout. The overtone throughout the EP is fierce and aggressive without a hint of intimidation, and it allows the band to indulge in some of its musical signatures without coming off as pretentious or self absorbed. The thundering momentum of the four songs on Gasp, Asp is clearly indebted to drummer Josh Mikel, whose fluid work on the kit manages to sound as grounded as an anchor yet as weightless as a feather. More importantly, however, the EP shows Look Mexico making an ambitious statement through an extended sonic palette. While Matt Agrella's bittersweet lyrics remain the central focus here, the more liberal usage of cello, violin, and various keyboards make for some intriguing textures.
- Delusions of Adequacy (adequacy.net)
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Frank Turner
Its hard to believe that Frank Turner was once lead singer of underground punk outfit MillionDead. He doesnt look like it. He looks like he should be a purveyor of Folk, and his latest offering Love, Ire & Song is exactly that. Its diverse, and the content of the songs is exactly what it says on the tin.

Frank Turner takes us on a trail through being an early 20 year old  give it to any university graduate with an interest in acoustic guitars and Im sure they would agree. 'Love, Ire & Song' takes us on a dreamy romantic journey through the energetic boastfulness of I Knew Prufrock Before He Was Famous to the lovelorn Better Half, and from the messed up rocked out Imperfect Tense to the beautiful, heartfelt St Christopher is Coming Home.

If you listen carefully, youll hear some clever lyrics, that might sound simple, but Frank Turner weaves them and crafts them in a way that says what youve always wanted to say, but never found the right words to do it. Lyrics such as "all my friends are getting married, mortgages and pension plans and when no ones yet explained to me exactly what's so great about slaving 50 years away on something that you hate, (the single  Photosynthesis) says exactly what were all thinking in this current depressing climate.
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Ugly Colors
ugly colors on altsounds: http://www.altsounds.com/altsounds/bands/1498/
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Joshua English
"There's nothing not to like on Joshua English's first solo record....The
Portland-based English knows how to pen a two-minute pop song, and
has a way with literate lyrics that strike a balance between heartfelt
and snarky....[T]he album is a sure-fire winner.  Armed with his truly
buoyant tenor, the musician's made a batch of songs he can be proud
of, a group of catchy tunes just perfect for the summer." - Pat Ferrucci, New Haven Register
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115 NW 5th
Portland, OR 97209
United States



Kid Friendly: No
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: No
Wheelchair Accessible: No


Owner: Kris Robison
On BPT Since: Apr 10, 2008
miranda king

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