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Experience the Stargate in London
The London Latvian Centre
London United Kingdom
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Experience the Stargate in London
*Note: in the GET TICKETS section above you can acquire tickets for the London event, or both the London & Ewell Stargate events (there is a special rate of 100 Pounds for both days).

Find out what literally thousands have experienced!

The Stargate is an interdimensional doorway - a geometric structure that emits a powerful conscious energy, an energy that can move participants into a deep meditative space within moments.

With the Stargate you will:

-Move into deep meditation simply and easily

- Feel your personal vibration raising and
become more sensitive to the energies.

-Actually feel the presence of benevolent
Beings from 'beyond the veil', such as
your guides or the Angels, Ascended Masters,
and Star Families such as the Pleiadians.

A Stargate workshop creates an energetic in which the participants bathe.  This creates an effortless expansion of your awareness, into which we introduce various guides.  

The format of these Stargate events will be a series of short meditations with gentle background music, led by the Stargate's guide Alcazar channeled by Prageet.

STARGATE Workshops

Saturday June 14th in Ewell at St. Michael's Sanctuary
10am - 5pm, 55 Pounds

Sunday June 15th in Queensway, London
10am - 5pm, 65 Pounds

*100 Pounds for Both Workshops

The intention for this day is to re-activate multi-dimensional DNA, for it is within your DNA that the mysteries of your greater Self are held.  With this reactivation comes an invigorating of your human being-ness.  

Each meditation brings through a cascade of energetics, all focused on the tens of thousands of aspects of this sleeping DNA.  

The process of re-remembering, of knowing Self, is the total awakened DNA presence.
This is enlightenment.

The DNA holds the key to who you are, who you have been, how your physical structure works  your part and purpose in the Universal scheme, and your ability to communicate directly with Spirit, or to be more correct, to manifest Spirit within Self.

In the Stargate process, there is nothing to do.  Simply your intention to awaken is all that is needed, and the willingness to experience an accelerated awakening process.

*Please bring a bottle of water and a yoga mat or blanket if you would like to lie down.  

*Doors 9:30am, please arrive early to complete the sign in process & find your space.

Address for event in St. Michael's Sanctuary in Ewell:
4A Church Street, Ewell Village, Surrey, KT17 2AS, United Kingdom

Address for event in Queensway, London:
72 Queensborough Terrace, London W2 3SH, United Kingdom

Please direct questions about the Ewell event to Margaret Stroud:
Telephone: 01372726722

Please direct questions about the London event to Jackie Sievey:
Telephone: 07719577464

*If you are new to the Stargate & would like some illumination as to the origin, function & possibilities inherent to the structure, check out the audio & video below...  

Audio 'How the Stargate Began'

'Experience the Stargate' Video:  http://youtu.be/5GuoP5wCWyA

*For more Stargate audios, recorded meditations, and radio show interviews visit:

We invite you to have a beautiful experience of the Stargate!


The London Latvian Centre (View)
72 Queensborough Terrace
London W2 3SH
United Kingdom



Owner: Julieanne Conard
On BPT Since: Jan 21, 2014
Jackie Sievey

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