Cadence 2023 - The great entanglement [Hybrid]
Watch in person: Apr. 28 at 7pm
$14 General Admission $10 Student/Child/Senior $7 NWFF/AF Members
*** Public safety notice ***
NWFF patrons will be required to wear masks that cover both nose and mouth while in the building. Disposable masks are available at the door for those who need them. We are not currently checking vaccination cards. Recent variants of COVID-19 readily infect and spread between individuals regardless of vaccination status.
NWFF is adapting to evolving recommendations to protect the public from COVID-19. Read more about their policies regarding cleaning, masks, and capacity limitations here.
Festival - Cadence Video Poetry Festival 2023 [Hybrid]
Live Music ** K. Van Petten opens the night with live music and poetry! ** K. Van Petten will open the night with excerpts from the tape of music & poetry For Someone. Van Petten created For Someone in Port Townsend, Washington where they sampled sounds, wrote music, and recorded poetry in residence with Centrum at Fort Worden. The tape is available for purchase online via Hello America Stereo Cassette, or at The Vera Projects cassette tape vending machine.
Words on For Someone:
The music- gentle and light as air, a tapestry of earthy sound. The words are illuminating like sunshine after a long night. There is a benevolence to these 11 pieces of writing that will stick with you long after listening. For Someone is in fact for someone for you, for me, for anyone who needs it, and I feel certain a very large number of people need this encouraging, sweet, magical creature of a debut album. Adam Gnade
Van Petten (they/them) is a poet and musician based in Seattles Capitol Hill neighborhood. You can find their music wherever you listen under Baddy Gold and their poems in zines floating around Seattle coffee shops. Their debut audiobook was released on cassette tape with Hello America Stereo Cassette, and their debut EP of music with a new project releases on Dance Cry Dance in 2023. They currently work for local coffee roaster Caffe Vita, and local poetry magazine Poetry Northwest.
About the program: (42 min TRT)
A poetics of enmeshment told via climate crises, love letters, and AI interventions confronts the intertwining of humans, technology, and emotion. This showcase sets neural networks alight; dissonant exchanges open pathways to awe and creative agency.
** This event is co-presented with Alliance Française de Seattle! AF members receive the same ticket discount as NWFF members, with $7 tickets. **
LocationNorthwest Film Forum (View)
1515 12th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98122
United States
Ticketing, concessions, cinemas, restrooms, and our public edit lab are located on Northwest Film Forum's ground floor, which is wheelchair accessible. We have a limited number of assistive listening devices available for programs hosted in our larger theater, Cinema 1. These devices are maintained by the Technical Director, and can be requested at the ticketing and concessions counter.
The Forum does NOT have assistive devices for the visually impaired, and is not (yet) a scent-free venue. Our commitment to increasing access for our audiences is ongoing, and we welcome all public input on the subject!
If you have additional specific questions about accessibility at our venue, please contact our Patron Services Manager at maria@nwfilmforum.org