The Muppet Show...Show
Fiona Flame Presents: The Muppet Show Show
Join Fiona Flame and a burlesque star-studded cast for a racy take on a childhood classic. The Muppet Show Show pays loving (and faithful) tribute to The Muppet Show, with Kermit, Piggy, Fozzy and many more, including Special Guest Star Lola van Ella. Don't miss this wacky and wonderful event with performances by Jeez Loueez, Bam Bam Bambi, Little BoPeepshow, Dewy de Cimalle and many more!
LocationPlush (View)
3224 Locust Street
Saint Louis, MO 63103
United States
Minimum Age: 21 |
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |