Resilient Soil Basics: How to weather most kinds of weather (Virtual)
"We owe our existence to a 6-inch layer of topsoil and the fact that it rains." Because, as we know, sometimes it rains in California and sometimes it doesnt.
Healthy soil is the foundation of any productive, thriving garden. UC Master Gardeners Delise Weir & Debbie Moser will discuss how and why to improve soil health in your yard and food garden.
This class will offer a basic understanding of soil science and the importance of the microbiotic life under our feet. Learn a few easy to apply, practical gardening techniques that provide optimal conditions for enhancing and sustaining biotic life in the soil to improve soil structure, make essential nutrients more biologically available to plants and facilitating a foundation that maintains moisture in the soil during drought while improving drainage during rain events.
Well take some time to discuss how to remediate soil affected by flooding.
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