Time Farmers
Time Farmers is a program of short animated films made by independent contemporary animators from across North America. This collection of films has been assembled by Lori Damiano in 2013 to accompany her newly completed 2D hand-drawn film called Lord I : The Records Keeper. Lori D. will travel with this program all over the US often via motorcycle in an effort to bring unconventional animated art to a wide array of communities that may not otherwise have access to this type of work. Time Farmers will screen in theaters, galleries, backyards, and anywhere that would make a good site to host motion picture gazers. Time Farmers includes a diverse array of narrative & nonnarrative films produced through both hand-crafted and digital techniques. Below you will find more information on the films and filmmakers that are included in this program.
LocationStudio Current (View)
1 block S of Neumo's
Seattle, WA 98122
United States
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |
Owner: |
On BPT Since: May 10, 2011 |
Stefan Gruber |