You're invited to join us at a taping of LATE NIGHT LIVE AT THE NORTH POLE!! Your host for the night, Mistress Claus, her sidekick Elfis Peppermintly, and the Off-The-Pole Honeys will be interviewing famous North Pole denzians including the big guy himself!! You never know what the night will bring, but we guarantee a rip-snorting good time and presents for everyone!!
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A MASK-MANDATORY EVENT!! I want my performers to be able to perform without masks and the only want that's possible is if you all have them. Please be cool about it, it's just 80 minutes! If you have medical reasons for not being able to wear them, you need to ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE that you are not sick. THANKS
LocationGold Town Theater (View)
171 Shattuck Way
juneau, AK 99801
United States
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |