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Engauge 2022 The Visible Spectrum [In-Person Only]
Northwest Film Forum
Seattle, WA
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Engauge 2022 The Visible Spectrum [In-Person Only]
Sat Nov 05: 5.00pm PDT

$13 General Admission
$10 Student/Child/Senior
$7 Member

*** Public safety notice ***

NWFF patrons will be required to wear masks that cover both nose and mouth while in the building. Disposable masks are available at the door for those who need them. We are not currently checking vaccination cards. Recent variants of COVID-19 readily infect and spread between individuals regardless of vaccination status.

NWFF is adapting to evolving recommendations to protect the public from COVID-19. Read more about their policies regarding cleaning, masks, and capacity limitations at bit.ly/nwffcovidsafety

Festival - Engauge Experimental Film Festival 2022 [In-Person Only]
On Film

Documentary and its related strategies have always been central to experimental filmmaking. Filmmakers in this program mine the experimental possibilities of documentary, crafting personal essay, observational, testimonial, and memoir films. This program includes three 16mm film prints.
TRT: 78 min

Sun Coming and Casting a Shadow
(Daniel Robin, US, 7 min)

A film about time, memory, fear, and the challenges of holding onto joy.

The Visible Spectrum
(Sarah Seené & Maxim Corbeil-Perron, Canada, 18 min)

Lightning is a combination of thunder and intense electromagnetic radiation, whose components are in the visible part of the spectrum. As unpredictable as it is sudden, this natural phenomenon leaves its mark on those who experience it. The visible spectrum is a portrait of five people who survived the impact of the lightning. Each of their experiences is unique in its physicality, its metaphysical dimension or its philosophical meaning. Through the intimacy of their stories, the essence of their faces, voices and bodies, and supported by the meta-media presence of a filmic texture electrified by static charges, this short documentary elaborates a sensible reflection about life when it has brushed so suddenly against death.

Clanging on Calle Ocho
(Lisa Danker, US, 6 min)

On the day of Fidel Castros death in 2016 in Miami, I recorded the celebratory rituals of clanging pots that filled the cemetery where my grandparents are buried. I remembered learning from them who Castro was, thirty years earlier. Reflecting on that conversation in the context of U.S.-Cuba relations, Clanging suggests that nothing less than the future is at stake as the aims of imperialism resound.

Mustard Greens (Sarson Ka Saag)
(Karan Talwar, India, 9 min)

A mothers voice guides her sons hands through the making of a popular Punjabi delicacy called Sarson Ka Saag, meaning Mustard Greens. This is him imitating his mothers movements; his childhood observations of her over the kitchen slab, of attempting to inherit broken pieces of a partitioned culture. Its a relationship maintained over audio notes and some shreds of fond memories. Made on b/w 16mm film, the film uses mustard and spices in its developing process. Physical testaments of mustard leaves and stains from spices form a gastronomical archive.

There, Where She is Not
(Sarah Ballard, 7 min)

Echos of a time in my grandmothers life that she no longer remembersa fractured memory recollected through proxy figures Frances Farmer and Marguerite Durasa mirror is a placeless place.

The Iguaçu Hydra (A Hidra do Iguaçu)
(Cris Miranda, Brazil, 14 min)

In the salt chuckled of rocks

The Pendulum
(Linda Izcali Scobie, US, 2 min)

a tendency to stay in motion

(Kathryn Ramey, US, 10 min)

An acronym for swimming at your own risk, SAYOR refers to a forum without a moderator. Three years in the lives of three AMAB (assigned male at birth) children with a parent/observer. What does it mean to be male in the 21st century?

Color Prism Suite #2: Withering Ends
(Zack Parrinella, US, 4 min) ** Photosensitivity warning! **

The simultaneous beauty and decay of various spaces are axes of an exploration of colors and tones.


Northwest Film Forum (View)
1515 12th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98122
United States




Owner: Northwest Film Forum
On BPT Since: May 27, 2004
Northwest Film Forum Team


Ticketing, concessions, cinemas, restrooms, and our public edit lab are located on Northwest Film Forum's ground floor, which is wheelchair accessible. We have a limited number of assistive listening devices available for programs hosted in our larger theater, Cinema 1. These devices are maintained by the Technical Director, and can be requested at the ticketing and concessions counter. The Forum does NOT have assistive devices for the visually impaired, and is not (yet) a scent-free venue. Our commitment to increasing access for our audiences is ongoing, and we welcome all public input on the subject! If you have additional specific questions about accessibility at our venue, please contact our Patron Services Manager at cris@nwfilmforum.org

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