Young Agrarians presents Jean-Martin Fortier Market Garden Workshop & Book Tour RICHMOND
Learn six figure farming for small plots from Jean-Martin Fortier, one of Canada's rock star young farmers (and our very own Eliot Coleman 2.0). Jean-Martin marries smart, intensive farming with solid business senseall while finding time to enjoy life.
In this workshop and his new book, The Market Gardener, Jean-Martin Fortier demonstrates how adopting intensive methods of production can lead to optimal cropping systems. He will discuss how to:
Set up a micro-farm & design biologically intensive cropping systems with negligible capital outlay
Farm without a tractor & minimize fossil fuel inputs through the best hand tools, machinery, & minimum tillage
Grow mixed vegetables systematically with attention to best practices for weed and pest management
How much: $75. All proceeds from ticket sales go towards Young Agrarians 2014 programming.
When: Friday, March 7th, 2014 Doors Open: 9:30am Workshop 10am-5pm Lunch 1-2pm Bring food to share and tools to eat with in true Young Agrarians potluck style
Where: Kwantlen Polytechnic University Richmond Campus Melville Centre for Dialogue Conference Centre, Room 2550, 2nd floor, pay parking onsite Canada Line Stop: Lansdowne Address: 8771 Landsdowne Road, Richmond, V6X 3V8
Join the event and invite all of your friends on Facebook! facebook.com/events/1379366725658412/
Visit youngagrarians.org for more details about this event and Young Agrarians. Facebook | Twitter | Instagram: youngagrarians #sixfigurefarming #themarketgardener #yajeanmartinfortiertour
"Growing the next generation of farmers and food lovers in British Columbia."
Partners in Farming: FarmStart, FarmFolkCityFolk.
-- Jean-Martin Fortier and his wife Maude-Hélène Desroches are the founders of Les Jardins de la Grelinette, a micro-farm located in Eastern Quebec, just north of the American border. Growing on just 1.5 acres, they feed more than 200 families through their thriving CSA and seasonal market stands, and supply vegetables to dozens of local establishments. For more than a decade the market garden has provided their only household income, generating close to $140,000 in annual sales with a profit margin of around 45%. In his new book The Market Gardener Jean-Martin shares the secret of their success low-tech, high-yield production methods that focus on growing better rather than growing bigger.
If the workshop leaves you with a thirst for even more info (and we hope it does!), Jean-Martin's book will be available for purchase at the event.
"If you're serious about farming, and you think this may be a career and lifestyle choice for you, I urge you to attend Jean-Martin Fortier's workshops while he's in BC. I have toured farms all over the west coast of North America, and I have yet to see anyone compare in production methods, soil management, crop health, product quality, and most importantly a balanced lifestyle. Don't miss this opportunity to meet one of the most cutting edge organic farmers of our time!" - Curtis Stone, BC's own small-scale farmer extraordinaire.
LocationKwantlen Polytechnic University (Richmond Campus) (View)
8771 Landsdowne Road
Richmond, BC V6X3V8