The Psychogeographical Commission//Security/(aistob)
The Psychogeographical Commission Security (aistob)
£5/£4 Student
The Psychogeographical Commission Renowned for their merging of mythology, music and film, The Psychogeographical Commission delve into the Jack the Ripper legend. With the soundtracking of five films they'll separate out the murders of 'Canonical Five' victims to expound the theory that a single 'Jack' never existed in a banishment of the 'Ripper' meme. http://www.psychetecture.com/
Security Security are a duo formed in 2009 by Joe Ahmed (Chekists) and p6 (OV, Desalvo and Stretchheads) through a mutual love of techno pop and industrial electro. The duo's recent compilation Security #1, was self-released as a highly limited lurid yellow cassette and finds them channeling the spirits of Throbbing Gristle, Hard Corps and Fad Gadget. http://security.bandcamp.com/
(aistob) (a is to b) is equal parts Crystal Castles' domineering sonic assault and The Haxan Cloak's crepuscular, gloomy atmospherics. At once lo-fi and viscerally immediate, they exist in the perceptual bleed between transgressive performance art, punishing electronic noise and somnolent, dark ambient void-space. http://aistob.bandcamp.com/
LocationThe Old Hairdressers (View)
Renfield Lane
Glasgow G2 6PH
United Kingdom