Ontario traffic tickets event
Almost everyone in Ontario has a personal vehicle to facilitate their daily life. We buy groceries, travel, and visit our family and friends safely and comfortably. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to follow the rules of the road so as not to provoke an accident or other unpleasant situation. But as we all know, even law-abiding drivers sometimes break the law. You may miss the stop sign, slightly exceed the speed limit, miss the markings due to the bright sun, etc. Thus, you commit traffic tickets offenses without even wanting to. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this. However, you can be safe from the consequences of minor violations by visiting the Ontario traffic tickets event!
The conference is dedicated to the issues of traffic violations and legal services. Experienced traffic ticket lawyers will answer the most frequently asked questions asked by drivers. How does the Ontario Demerit Point System work? How many demerit points will you get if you violate traffic rules? How to protect your rights in court so as not to pay fines? Find out the answers to these questions by visiting the Ontario traffic tickets event!
Agenda: 1) Gathering of participants: 2) The main part of the event: 2.1) Types of Ontario traffic tickets 2.2) Helping legal services to fight for your driving privileges 2.3) How to save the auto insurance rate? 2.4) Judicial Practice examples 3) Answers to your questions: 4) Free legal advice
LocationTo Be Announced
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