Start Tomatoes and Peppers from Seed
If you love the solanaceous fruits of summer; tomatoes, peppers, chiles, and eggplants, now is the time to start them from seed. There are hundreds of interesting varieties available from seed that you can't find at the nurseries but there are a few tricks to getting them started from seed. In this virtual class, we'll discuss varieties that do well on the central coast, the equipment you'll need to provide bottom heat and light in winter months with a few low-cost options for home gardeners, how to avoid common problems like damping-off disease and when to harden off and plant outside.
About the instructor: Delise Weir holds degrees in Environmental Studies and Biology and has grown food, flowers, and herbs for over 40 years, She became a Master Gardener in 2014 and loves to share her knowledge of gardening.
The class is free to all with the option to provide a suggested donation of $5 or more to support the all-volunteer Master Gardener program.
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