Beyond the Line: Understanding Streams as Corridors - Katie Jagt, Mike Kline, Joel Sholtes, and Michael Blazewicz with Special Guest Karin Boyd
When streams are treated as static lines on the landscape, stream health declines and risk to human-made infrastructure increases. In response to these observed changes, providing streams the space they need to accommodate and facilitate natural processes and functions is becoming a central tenet in land, water, and floodplain management practices. But how do we define the stream corridor and effectively communicate the importance of protecting and restoring the processes that define them? What tools are commonly used to protect and restore stream corridors and how well do they really accomplish this? How do we strategically focus watershed and community-level planning to protect stream corridor functions given limited funding and time?
Course objective and anticipated skill transfer: Understand why the idea of streams as corridors is important. Exposure to the various ways of identifying the space. Exposure to some of the tools that compose a multi-faceted approach to management of stream corridors.
Material to be covered: What are stream corridors, the various ways of defining them, the elements of what it takes to recognize and change management practices in them, and how you can start to make change in your local stream corridors
Target audience and recommended prerequisites: Anyone interested in stream corridors and functional floodplainsecological, regulatory, and geomorphic! No prerequisites, this will largely be a non-technical class.
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