MOTHER EARTH: Diverse Faith and Spiritual Communities Celebrating Together!
Music, song, dance, prayer, inspiring talks, break out rooms for sharing our experiences of gratitude.
Join with us for this annual interfaith, inter-spiritual celebration as we express our gratitude to the Creator and Creation though music, poetry, spoken word, prayer and storytelling. We are inspired by the worlds wisdom traditions and their spiritual guidance for us to care for Creation and one another. We have offered this inter-spiritual gathering every year since 1987 always offered near the Thanksgiving holiday. This year (2021) we are combining our emerging consciousness around the reality of climate change while cultivating hopeful solutions and continue to celebrate diverse faith and spiritual traditions at this beloved gathering. We include in our gratitude, new understandings of sustainability as we continue to celebrate gratitude for one another, all humanity, our Creator, and our precious Mother Earth.
Collaborators: Northwest Interfaith (https://www.northwestinterfaith.org/); Interfaith Community Sanctuary (https://interfaithcommunitysanctuary.org/); St. Patrick Church (https://stpatrickseattle.org/); Call of Compassion NW (callofcompassion.org)
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